Peace at last!
On the 21st of November a long-awaited peace accord was signed between the government and the Maoists bringing an end to over 10 years of conflict in Nepal. A national holiday was declared and the people rejoiced in high spirits. By the evening, candles were flickering in every single home as a symbol of peace. The rebel fighters are now withdrawing to special camps and placing their weapons in storage. Prisoners of war and nearly a quarter of a million internally-displaced people are finally beginning to return to their homes.
The Nepalese now need to rebuild their country and to do this, the revenue from tourism, (one of its biggest industries which has suffered badly as a result of the conflict), will be crucial. This project is also dependent upon tourism; since without sufficient numbers of tourist ‘clients’, it cannot become truly sustainable. Our massage clinic should be properly up and running by this time next year and we’re sincerely hoping that visitor numbers will be back to normal by then. There has never been a better time – or a better reason to visit Nepal so please get booking!