Sunday, February 01, 2009

HUGE thanks (and a sad goodbye from the students) to Ainsley and Jason who finished their placements at the end of November.

They did fantastic work with all the students and managed well despite the mixed ability levels. Ainsley taught all five, practically from scratch, as well as helping to manage the daily running of the clinic. She quickly got them doing daily exercise routines to build their strength and says she had lots of fun learning to be 'really creative' with teaching methods. In an article in the London Massage Company newsletter she writes:
"The blind aspect made it interesting and a challenge attimes, but they are all so friendly and really inspiring to work with. This experience has really opened my eyes to what’s important in life."
Jason helped by promoting the clinic locally, pitching in with english lessons and doing some long overdue maintenance jobs. (Thanks Jason for your legendary fixing abilities!) Click on SHN in Pictures for more pics.